Sunday, March 27, 2011


Who knew that two little ears could cause so much trouble?

Chronicles of Jedidiah's ears:

  • Jan. 7th- Went for Jed's 4 month check-up and he had an ear infection in his right ear
    • Tx- 10 days of Amoxicillin
  • Jan. 12th- Ears clear
  • Feb. 1st- Double ear infection
    • Tx.-10 days of Omnicef
  • Feb. 19th- Second double ear infection
    • Tx.-Shot of Rocephin and 10 days of Omnicef
  • March 4th- Ears clear
  • March 10th- Third double ear infection (4th total)
    • Tx.- Another 10 days of Omnicef and a trip to the ENT
  • March 23rd- Consult with the ENT- Dr Klug
    • They did a test where they blew air into his ears to see if there was any fluid behind the ear drum
    • There was, and they recommended PE tubes (Big suprise)
  • March 25th- Surgery was scheduled for Monday March 28th @ 7:00 in the morning. We have to be there @ 6:15 and Jedidiah will have to be NPO after midnight. We will have one mad little boy on our hands since he won't get his 5:00 feeding. 
All that to say...please pray for little man:
  • Pray that this situation will increase our faith and conform us in to the image of Jesus
  • Pray that the Lord will uphold Jedidiah by the word of his power
  • Pray that Joel and I will fight fear and anxiety by preaching the gospel to ourselves and each other. 
  • Pray that the procedure will be quick and without complications
  • Pray that he will wake up easily from anethesia.
  • Pray that this will help all of us get a good night sleep ;) 
This web site is really helpful if you you want to know anything about the procedure


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