Friday, July 8, 2011

10 Months

I can have Coke at 10 months right??

  • I am 19lbs and 14oz and 29 inches long
  • I am wearing 12 Month clothes and a size 3 diaper
  • I have had 4 haircuts
  • I have 6 teeth, two on bottom and four on top, my parents are already saving for braces!
  • I eat about 3 jars of baby food a day along with whatever my parents give me off the table
  • Speaking of table food, I love french fries, ice cream, sweet tea, guacamole, refried beans, pancakes...etc. Pretty much if it's on mom's plate, I'll eat it!
  • I still take 4 bottles a day, but can drink from a sippy cup on my own and can drink from a straw. Dad thinks I'm a genius because I can do this :)
  • I take two 1.5-2 hour naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  • I am still very much a paci addict. I have to sleep with one in my mouth and one in my hand. (and about 4 more in the crib)
  • I have graduated from the army crawl (scooting on the floor and dragging one leg) to a traditional crawl alternating with a "Lily Rider" monkey crawl (with one knee and one foot on the floor)
  • I prefer pulling up on EVERYTHING and cruising
  • I can also climb the stairs (very scary)
  • I am never still, unless I'm asleep
  • I can say "ball" and "dog" about the right things. These are pretty much my 2 favorite things in the world. 
  • I can say mama and dada, but with no reference to my parents. Everything is pretty much dada when I want something
  • I can wave bye-bye when I feel like it
  • I love playing in the lake and being outside
  • Learning to pull up has wrecked my sleep and I no longer sleep through the night. Mom can't stand to hear me cry so I usually end up sleeping with Mom and Dad about 4am every morning. She sleeps with her hand around my ankle, so I won't crawl off the bed :)
  • I keep my parents very BUSY!! but they love me SOOO much!!


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